Friday 24 March 2017

Evaluation Question 7 draft

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Over the past few months i feel i have learnt a huge amount about magazine development. My preliminary magazine contents and cover show that i had a very basic understanding of how to structure a magazine. My contents page was literally just text distributed unevenly on a white background. My cover was also very poor as it showed very little knowledge of magazine conventions. During the time between the preliminary task and the completion of my draft magazine i learnt a lot about conventions of magazines and how to use the technology available to show my increased understanding. This improvement is noticeable when comparing my preliminary magazine to my draft. My draft however still wasn't good enough. After self assessing it i decided it showed still very little understanding of how to structure a magazine for the genre of modern rap. The text was too big on my contents page and my double page spread. The image on my contents page was also too overwhelming. The font didnt look right for my masthead on the cover. The colour scheme didnt match the genre and how i wanted my magazine to look. None of the photos were edited as i didnt know how to edit them on photoshop so they looked bland. To start improving i began analysing "The Fader" magazines in my media lessons to gain an extended understanding of magazine conventions. As my knowledge improved i was able to put it into the development of my final magazine as i had gained a better understanding of photoshop and how to use it effectively. The difference in quality of my final magazine and my draft magazine highlights my improvement during the time between developing each one. However by comparing my preliminary magazine to my final magazine you can see the how much i have learn't over the entire process. 

I learnt how to style an artist so that they fit the genre they are in. My understanding of fashion in the modern hip hop industry was developed during my research as i read into it extensively. This made me able to style my artist in a way that would give him an image fitting to the modern rap game.   

A very important aspect i learnt was that magazine development takes time and patience. A few different versions of the cover, contents, and double page spread need to be trialed in order to find the right one. 

I also learnt a fair amount about camera work and framing during the process. 

I have put images of my preliminary magazine, draft magazine and final magazine here to show how much progress I have made over the process.


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