Thursday 23 March 2017

Evaluation Question 5 draft

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience through the styling of my artist, he is wearing clothes and accessories that appeal to young modern hip hop fans (jewellery, sunglasses). These accessories would attract my audience as they give my artist and image that is recognizable and typical of the modern hip hop industry. 
I also attracted my audience through the simple layout of my cover, contents and double page spread. The Fader is a well-established magazine that uses simple layouts so I thought using that convention would attract my audience as The Fader has a similar target audience. 
I also attracted my audience through the features of my magazine, they are features that modern hip hop fans would be interested in and want to read. 
The price of my magazine is also an attractive aspect to my young target audience as it is cheap (£3 per issue) so it is accessible to them to buy every time an issue comes out. The majority of my target audience fed back to me that they would purchase my magazine at £3 when I conducted a survey. 
I addressed my audience through my language choices in the text within my magazine. It is formal to a certain extent as it is a higher end magazine but has a style that would appeal to my target audience and make it enjoyable for them to read. 
My masthead is in a large font and covers the width of the page at the top. This will make it stand out on the shelf to potential readers. The name of my magazine, "Timeless" may also draw peoples attention as it is a word that links to how many people feel about music. There aren't many magazines with a name that has a deeper meaning. Mine does, this could be a unique selling point for my magazine. It gives it a bit of personality and gives an impression to my target audience that the creators of the magazine care about music as much as they do so will trust that the content is worth buying.  

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